3 Mars City

  1. Exit the elevator (Maintenance), and a Soldier strikes.
  2. Climb up the stairs. A worker calls to you, and lowers the utility ladder for you to climb up (Ventilation Shaft).
  3. Crawl through the vent that’s in a corner. There is supply along the way.
  4. At the end of the vent, you reach a drop to jump down (Manifest Control Office).
  5. Going into the office triggers Zombies. There is a PDA (Marcus Stanton) on a desk. There is supply in the Zombie’s alcove, and supplies on a box.
  6. Go through the door (Manifest Control Entrance) where a Soldier strikes. Go forward and another Soldier strikes. Pick up the MACHINE GUN the dead Soldier dropped.
  7. Proceed through the door (Reception Processing). On the desk is an ATO card (shown in your PDA “Item”), supplies.
  8. Go back out the door, and unlock the locked door using its control panel (Conference Room), there is a Soldier, followed by another. There is supply.
  9. Going through the next door (Hallway), then through the next (Sec Ops Processing). Zombies assault. Behind an equipment bay there is supply, and nearby there more.
  10. There is a closed door diagonally opposite where you entered but don’t go through it, yet. Instead, opposite is an opening between two bays (Security Operations). Turn left to encounter Soldiers. There are supplies on a desk, and supplies on the floor.
  11. Exit back as you came(Sec Ops Processing), and go through the door (Sec Ops Junction). There is supply. A burning Zombie assaults. There is supply atop a box, and supplies on the floor.
  12. At the end of the corridor, pass through the door to your right (Infirmary Access Junction). Soldiers strike, supported by a fat Zombie assault. Next, an Imp attacks. There is supply in the nearby alcove. Behind some pipes there is supply.
  13. As you approach the Infirmary door (Infirmary), an Imp strikes. On a table is a PDA (Mark Caseon) on it. Storage locker #017 (keycode 347), holds supplies. On the floor is supply. There is a Health Station.
  14. Go through the next door (Infirmary Observation Room). A Zombie rises off one of the tables to attack. On one operating table there is adrenaline (which gives unlimited stamina for a while). There is supply.
  15. Go through the next door (Marine Command). A burning Zombie assaults.
  16. Going toward Marine Command, to a jet of fire. Crawl under it to get supply. Continue around hall to an unlocked door that fails as you approach it. There is a PDA (Bill Tyson) next to a dead body by the door.
  17. Return to the jet of flame, and crawl under it to the corridor.
  18. Go forward down the corridor. A Marine gets killed by a Zombie who then attacks you.
  19. Continue forward (Marine Headquarters) until you see stairs. Go up the stairs to the console where you get a Sgt. Kelly video briefing and security update. There is supply on the console.
  20. Back down the steps and open the Combat Prep door (code 584) (Combat Preparation). Directly behind the body to discover supplies.
  21. Exit the room, returning to the corridor (Marine Headquarters). With your back to the door, turn right down the hall, then, partway down the hall, take the hallway to the left to go through a door (Marine Command Access), and a Soldier strikes.
  22. Inside, go down the steps, cross the floor and go into the walkaround to be attacked by a zombie, then a soldier.
  23. Return downstairs, and proceed down hall on left (Marine Command) where a Soldier strikes you at the end of the corridor.
  24. Go down the stairs, take the first left into a walkaround, and kill the Zombie in the darkness. There is supply on the floor.
  25. Return to the intersection to go through the door (Command Access Junction). Soldiers strike, followed by a third.
  26. Don’t go into the lavatory just yet. Instead, go into the Kitchen (Common Area). There is a Zombie still in the room. In a corner, there is supply. There is supply on and behind the counter, and some on the counter. (Get out your loose change now because that’s the last snack machine you’ll be seeing.)
  27. Leave the kitchen (Command Access Junction), taking a left to march straight into the restroom. There is supply in the handicapped stall, and supplies around the sinks. There is a fright in the mirror. An Imp attacks as you go to the door.
  28. Exit (Command Access Junction), and turn left where a Soldier strikes.
  29. Continue along the corridor until you get to an open area (Central Access), where a Soldier appears but stand still because a Sentry Bot kills it for you. Follow the Sentry Bot.
    FYI: The Sentry Bot path is: ACO Access Junction, ACO Offices, and ACO Lift Junction.
  30. In the ACO Offices: one office has supply behind a box, and more on the floor; in the other office there is supply on the floor, and on a desk.
  31. You end up in a room (ACO Lift Junction) with an Imp upon a balcony. While the sentry is killing that Imp, turn around because another one comes up behind you. The Sentry Bot will shutdown after both Imps are dead. There is supply on a seat.
  32. With the elevator to your back, there is a vent in a corner to the right. Crawl into the vent (Service Access). Climb up the utility ladder, and another vent putting you on the ledge where the Imp was. There is supply. Nearby, there is a PDA (Duncan Mathews).

FYI: Retrace your path to return downstairs (ACO Lift Junction). Take the corridor that’s to your far left (with your back to the vent) until there is a locked door for you to go through (ACO Offices). Use the control panel alongside the door to unlock it and a Zombie assaults. There is supply, at one desk, and supplies on another desk. Exit the room with the door from which you came, backtracking to the elevator (ACO Lit Junction).

  1. Call the elevator, get in and take it down to Administration.

PDAs Marcus Stanton, Mark Caseon, Bill Tyson, Duncan Mathews CODES 347, 584 WEAPON Machine Gun

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