09 Phobos Labs – Sector 3

  1. Exit the transfer bay (SkyTram Station South). Climb down either utility ladder to locate rockets, and a medkit.
  2. Enter and activate the unlocked tram.
  3. At the end of the trip (SkyTram Station West), there are corpses on the platform, and medkits in an open case.
  4. Go through either Reactor Operations doors (Reactor Systems). A posse of zombies spring-up.
  5. Go up the small stair set.
  6. Go into the Plasma Storage room to the left of the stair set. Zombies greet you. There are cells scattered around the shelves, and a health station on the wall.
  7. Exiting the storage room triggers Vulgars and a Revenant.
  8. Climb the next set of stairs.
  9. Go through the next door (Reactor Mechanical). At the foot of a barrel to the right of the door, are shards.
  10. Go through the next door (Reactor Core).
  11. Continue on the path, fighting off Cacodemons and Forgottens.
  12. Step on the lift and activate it.
  13. Once lowered, head to the path to your left, triggering Cacodemons and Forgottens.
  14. Step onto the second lift, and activate it.
  15. Once lowered, head to the left.
  16. Go through the door (Lower Maintenance).
  17. Straight ahead, there is a health station, and an ammo belt. A few paces to the right of the health station is a clip.
  18. In front of the door, is a utility ladder to descend, where a zombie awaits.
  19. Descend the next utility ladder, followed by a third ladder. There is a zombie. A PDA (Nicolas Haag), and a keycard are on the console. There is a corpse.
  20. Opposite the console, there is a lift to ride.
  21. Exit the lift, head down the path, then through the big door (Reactor Core) that brought you into this area. A Vulgar spawns .
  22. Retrace your steps up the lift. A Vulgar strikes. Activate the lift.
  23. Exit the lift, then go to and ascend with the next lift. Cacodemons and Forgottens spawn along the way.
  24. When you reach the top level, head on to and through the locked door (Reactor Control). There is a corpse. Ahead is a console. Press the INITIATE SHUTDOWN button on the Phobos Reactor panel. In the room, there is storage locker #009 (keycode 492) containing armor, ammo belts, and clips.
  25. Exit the room (Reactor Core). Press the ACTIVATE BRIDGE button on the Reactor Bridge access panel.
  26. Walk the bridge, and go through the door (Reactor Support). Ahead is a corpse, and shells. Soldiers attack.
  27. Continuing, there is a lift. Alongside it is an ammo belt, cells, and shards.
  28. Descending with the lift triggers Revenants, and a Pinky-Demon. Around the area is a corpse, shells, and clips.
  29. Go through the door (Energy Processing). To one side, a Security Drone is activated. Follow the bot through a maelstrom of Vulgars and Wraiths. As you hide behind stuff, and pedal backwards from danger, you can hear it calling you, “Weenie, weenie.”
  30. At the end of the path, the security drone deactivates alongside an elevator.
  31. Take the elevator to the second floor (Airlock Vestibule). Ahead is a corpse, and cells.
  32. Enter the airlock.
  33. Outside (Phobos Labs Rooftops), there is a corpse.
  34. Go down the stairs, collecting the oxygen tank ahead.
  35. Climb down the utility ladder, walk forward, then down the second utility ladder, and then to the next airlock. When the airlock opens (Upper Maintenance) opens, Soldiers Attack, and Vulgars spawn.
  36. Take the stairs down. Under them are shards, and an ammo belt.
  37. Enter the elevator. From the window, you can see a romantic Martian sandstorm brewing. Curious that they didn’t mention it on Hello, Mars this morning. Press ‘Cargo Tunnel’.
  38. Exiting the elevator, continue moving forward, and then through the door ahead (Lower Maintenance). There is a corpse. There is an access panel that reads, CLICK TO OPEN WINDOW SEAL. Click it. This opens the window seals, and triggers a Hell-Knight.
  39. Continuing toward the door, triggers another Hell-Knight.
  40. If you are still in one piece, continue to, and through, the next door (Environmental Support). A pinky demon surprises you. Behind it are cells. Beyond them, there are rockets, and shards, on the floor.
  41. Continue down the path, to a flight of stairs. At the foot of those stairs, there are medkits and shells. Climbing the stairs triggers a Revenant coming down the stairs, ahead.
  42. Head up those stairs, and down the path, to be assaulted by Soldiers.
  43. At the deadend, there is a utility ladder. Approaching that ladder, triggers a Vulgar.
  44. Climb up the ladder.
  45. Go through the door, head forward without turning (Environmental Control).
  46. Go through the door. Inside the office, there is a health station. There is also the Life Support access panel. Press the INITIATE SHUTDOWN button.
  47. Exit the office, and take the right.
  48. Down the hall (Upper Maintenance), there is a door to go through (Skywalk).
  49. Go through the next door (Skywalk Access).
  50. Enter the bay to Phobos Labs: Sector 1.

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