5 Alpha Labs Sector 1

  1. Exiting the transfer bay (Alpha Labs Reception) gets you a new objective—doesn’t it always?
  2. A Zombie is sprawled across seats, and your flashlight triggers it. A trio of Zombies comes out from behind the equipment bank. Behind the equipment bank is a Health Station. There is supply on the floor. On the console is a Security Terminal displaying a button labeled UNLOCK DOORS, PRIMARY LIGHTS ON for you to press.
  3. Go through the Blue 16 door (Atomic Stabilization Hub) to discover a Soldier. A Zombie assaults from behind boxes. On the floor behind the boxes is supply.
  4. Move through the room until you come to stairs. A Zombie comes up the stairs. Go down the stairs and across the room is supply in an alcove (if an Imp attacked).
  5. Go through the Blue 17 door (EPD Observation Room) to be attacked. On the other side of dead end Blue 18 is supply.
  6. There is a broken window in the observation bay to jump through (EPD Lab). Imp attacks.
  7. To one end of the windows, there are stairs. Underneath them is supply.
  8. Go into the office. A Zombie and Soldier strike. On the console is a PDA (Kyle Berger), and a video disk (“Elemental Phase Deconstructor”). There is supply on the floor, and a Health Station behind the equipment bay. Your movement will cause chaos, followed by an Imp attack.
  9. Outside, alongside the office is a storage locker #009 (keycode 752) containing supplies.
  10. Go through the door across the office, and an Imp attacks. There is supply on the floor. On the console is a Chamber Repair Access terminal with a button labeled OPEN REPAIR ACCESS GATE for you to press. A Soldier attacks from the walkway opposite.
  11. Retrace your steps to stand alongside the blue laser. You have to jump into the tunnel (EPD Collection Chamber), then crawl to the end. Looking up at the end of the tunnel there is a closed vent with a red control button above it that opens the vent.
  12. Once through the vent (EPD Particle Filter), there is a Soldier and a Zombie.
  13. Turn left and go down the stairs at one end of the hall, to be assaulted by a Zombie. There is supply on the console and a Zombie reward. (As a courtesy, click the monitor to do a backup.)
  14. Go through the next door (EPD Junction 2). There is supply.
  15. Follow the hall until an Imp attacks.
  16. Move down the ramp. There is supply. Zombies assault.
  17. To the right of the stairs you came down, is a hallway a fat zombie came from (EPD Particle Emulsifier), Zombies assault.
  18. Go up the stairs to be assaulted by a Zombie. At the walkway’s end, there is a console with a PDA (Jack Smith), and supply. Press the control panel button labeled SEAL BREACHED PIPE SECTION.
  19. Retrace your steps back down the stairs (EPD Junction 2). Once again go through the door with the dead marine you passed through a moment ago (EPD Particle Scrubber).
  20. Go through the unmarked door at the left of the ramp (EPD Particle Scrubber). A Fatso attacks. The passage is blocked but there is supply on the ground.
  21. Continue forward, then take a right and a Soldier attacks, followed by an Imp and a Soldier. Go into the storage room (that the Imp and the Zombie were in), and there is a shelf with supplies. There is a crate, behind which there is supply.
  22. Exit the storage room, and go left to a door (EPD Containment Purge). There is supply. Moving into the room a cinematic plays introducing you to Maggots which then start galloping at you.
  23. As you walk around, a floor grate opens, jump down (Crawl Way 13). Near the end of your crawling around, there are two openings above you (Alpha Labs Junction 3). One is furthest forward in the vent, and brings you up into a dead-end with supplies.
  24. Crawl back to the other exit around which are several dead Soldiers and two Zombies. There is supply. Above, there is a locked door. Going toward the dark corner triggers Zombies. In a Zombie corner there is supply.
  25. Go through the room’s unlocked door in the room’s back corner (Hydrogen Condenser), and a Soldier assaults.
  26. Next, go through the AL1 H05 door, and a Soldier attacks. Continue forward, and explosive barrels are thrown at you from the ledge. Continue to and climb up the stairs, to be attacked by a Maggot and a Soldier. Behind a crate is supply.
  27. Pass through the AL1 H06 door, to the stairs. (There is a console with a panel to click to start a backup.)
  28. Up the stairs, there is supply. An Imp attacks. In the Imp’s alcove is supply.
  29. Go up the nearby stairs that collapse behind you, to a door for you to go through (Hydrogen Junction 1).
  30. Move right of the door, left, then everything goes red. When everything returns to normal, Imps attack. Up on one equipment stack, is a partially open cover with a control panel displaying a button labeled OPEN SECURITY HATCH that pressing opens a cabinet containing supply.
  31. Go forward, left, then pass through the next door (Hydrogen Control). A Zombie assaults. There is a video disk (“Hydrocon”) on one console, and supply on the other.
  32. Go through the next door (Hydrogen Siphon) on the left—not the red one. A Maggot hits. There is a one console with a monitor requesting a backup, and another console with supplies which triggers an Imp attack.
  33. In the alcove that opened for the Imp, there is a ladder to climb up (Hydrogen Stabilization). Take a right, a left, and another right, then squeeze past the pipes to encounter a live scientist, G. Kreitman, who talks to you.
  34. Get through the stabilizer door (that goes up and down), and there is a PDA (Bernie Lisitz) on the floor. In the corner behind the pipes, is supply.
  35. Jump down the hole (Hydrogen Control), then go through the security door (Hydrogen Siphon), to be assaulted by Zombies. Behind the equipment bank is supply.
  36. There is a door to go through (Hydrogen Lab), then down to the stairs—go downstairs where Maggots hunger for you.
  37. Go through the next door (Storage Room 8), triggering a hungry Maggot. There is a Health Station. There is supply on a shelf.
  38. Go through the next door (Alpha Labs Main Junction). Blue 19 is a dead end. Then through Blue 20 door (Hydrogen Observation).
  39. Next is Blue 21 door to go through (Hydrogen Junction 3), triggering another hungry Maggot and a Soldier.
  40. Jump down the hole where the Maggot came out. There is supply.
  41. Jump out of the hole, then go through the Blue 22 door (Alpha Labs Section Junction), going forward a few steps toward the supply triggers hungry Maggots that pour into the room from all sides. There is supply around.
  42. Enter the elevator to go to Alpha Labs 2.

PDAs Kyle Berger, Jack Smith, Bernie Lisitz CODE 572 WEAPON None

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