15 Delta Labs Level 1

  1. Exiting the bay (Delta Entryway), scavenger around for supply, and a PDA (Robert Price). On a seat in front of the panoramic window is a copy of Martian Science magazine’s special edition on the UAC that you might enjoy reading.
  2. Go around towards the locked door. A corpse shatters the window alongside the door. Climbing through the empty pane (Delta Control Corridor) you find stations in two cubes, and supply. (You can press the buttons on the stations to start backups if you care to but it might not mean anything except to management.)
  3. Go down the hallway (Delta Systems Control), to the main console. Approach the Holo Controller panels to restore power to the labs by pressing either button labeled INITIALIZE POWER SYSTEMS. The controllers respond by displaying a message telling you a data linker is required.
  4. Leave the console, and backtrack (Delta Control Corridor), where a floor panel blows up. Go into the crawlspace, where you find supply, continuing through the vent.
  5. Exiting the vent at its other end, (Delta Main Lobby) move forward, then go left into the hallway (Delta Lobby Corridor). There’s some supply along the way.
  6. At the end of your walk, go up the stairs and onto the platform for the data linker next to the corpse, and nearby supply.
  7. Backtracking, return through the vent and corridor to the Holo Controller panels (Delta Systems Control), to activate the power. You need to power up a reactor, now.
  8. Leave the console by going down the stairs to the console’s right. Moving forward, you hear a computer voice saying, “Video linkup requested”. Before you is a console with a Vidcom Access station, with supply. Kelly tells you about the problem with Delta Labs.
  9. Returning to the opening to crawl under the floor (Delta Control Corridor), an Imp shows you the way.
  10. Up and out of the floor (Delta Main Lobby), the two doors are now unlocked. Moving forward into the lobby, an Imp attacks, followed by a Pinky Demon.
  11. Go into the corridor (Delta Lobby Corridor), moving forward (Delta 1 Access Lobby), there is a door on either side of a platform. Climbing onto the platform triggers a Commando.
  12. Go through the door to the right (Delta 1 Access Stairs), where an Imp attacks. At the dead end, there is supply.
  13. Backtrack (Delta Access Lobby)., then go through the door (Delta 1 Service Hallway), where an Imp attacks. There is a shard which triggers an Imp. And a yoga student hangs meditating from the ceiling.
  14. Go through the next door (Delta 1 Service Area 1). To one side of the door is supply. Zombies assault. In a corner is supply, triggering a Pinky Demon charge.
  15. Go to the door opposite the supply location, to be attacked by a Commando from a alcove. There is supply in the alcove.
  16. Go through the door (Delta 1 Service Area 2), to be attacked by an Imp. There is supply on a crate next to the door.
  17. Go down the stairs. A Zombie assaults. Approaching the Health Station where it hid triggers a Commando.
  18. Go through the door (Delta Service Warehouse). There is supply on a crate near the door
  19. Drop down the broken stairs, to the warehouse floor. A host of Forgottens swarm at you.
  20. Moving toward the shelves, a Revenant attacks. Scavenger the area for adrenaline and supply. There is an open maintenance hatch low to the floor with supply at its mouth.
  21. Crawling into the hatch passageway. At the end (Storage Room 21-D), is supply. Hiding alongside the shelving, a Cacodemon awaits. There is supply on the shelf. Open storage locker 21D (keycode 298) to find supply.
  22. Go through the door (Delta Service Tunnel 2), which triggers an Imp to come out of an alcove with the gift of fireballs. On the other side of the door, another Imp attacks.
  23. Jump down to floor level where you find supply on the floor, and more on a crate.
  24. Moving forward, a Revenant attacks, followed by Cacodemons.
  25. At the end of the walkway, there is a stairway to the left defended by a Cacodemon. To the right is an alcove with a barrel to blow up for the supply behind it.
  26. Climb up to the walkway (Delta Reactor Support), for supply. You’re attacked by Imps and a Commando as you go.
  27. In one corner there is a recessed set of steps. Up then to another set of sets and an Imp.
  28. Take the lift down, to be attacked by Imps when the lift collapses. There is supply alongside the broken elevator. There is apparently inaccessible supply in a cage.
  29. Across the room is a stair, at the top of which is a door, through which a Revenant comes.
  30. Go through the door (Reactor Support Hallway), to find an alcove containing a Zombie. There is supply.
  31. Through the next door (Delta Reactor Room), and you’re attacked by Forgottens.
  32. Go up the steps, and down the walkway to a utility ladder, near which is supply. Climbing to the top, more Forgottens swarm.
  33. Follow the walkway around to the left, and as you approach the shard, a Cacodemon attacks. Continue to the end of the walkway for supply. More Forgottens attack.
  34. Turn back and to the door, triggering a Revenant to come of it.
  35. Go through the door (Reactor Control Hallway), then through another door (Delta Reactor Control) into an office. The Primary Reactor Control panel has a button labeled INITIALIZE POWER for you to press to turn on the reactor. (There is a pristine, collector’s edition of Game Hog for you to enjoy while you finish off the rest of the can of soda on the console — and remember to save that can.)
  36. With your back to the console, go through the left door (Reactor Service Access). A Zombie assaults. There is a Health Station.
  37. Climb up the utility ladder, to be attacked by an Imp, followed by a Zombie. There is supply on the floor, more opposite the ladder, and more alongside the crates.
  38. Climb up the next ladder to be attacked by Imps.
  39. Go through the next door (Delta Reactor Room). Cacodemons attack. A PDA (Brian Mora) along the right fork triggering Forgottens.
  40. Go back through door for a Commando..
  41. Backtrack down the ladders (Reactor Service Access) to the reactor control room (Delta Reactor Control). A Commando attack along the way.
  42. Go through the security door on your left (Delta Reactor Engineering). A Imp attacks. There is supply on top of the equipment bay. Go down the stairs, to find supply under them.
  43. Pass through the next door (Delta Service Tunnel 1) and go down the stairs. Cacodemons attack as you move around the room. At the end of the room is supply.
  44. Climb the stairs of the other catwalk, then go through the next door (Lift Access And Storage), and a Commando assaults.
  45. Ride the lift down, then Imps attack. (Take a ream of paper for the kid’s printer back home and careful they don’t getcha on the video.).
  46. Go through the upstairs door, (Delta Authority Systems). There is supply on the console alongside the stairs, and under them.
  47. Climb the stairs to the top, where you’re attacked by a Commando.
  48. Go through the next door, where you’re attacked by a Zombie. There is a Health Station. There is supply on the shelves. Drop through the pipe gap in the floor to find supply. Why do all these buckets have no mop?
  49. Ride the lift up (Delta Authority Junction). This is a roundabout. There is a Pinky Demon attack, followed by an Imp. Alongside the seating, there is supply.
  50. Go through the upstairs door (Delta Authority Archives), then down the hallway causing a gaggle of Zombies to assault. At the end of the hallway, there is supply on a console. Down the steps, awaits a Commando.
  51. In the next room, there is a Soldier.
  52. Go through the door (Delta Authority Lobby). There are Commandos waiting for you. There is supply near the door.
  53. Pass through the unlocked door (Delta Authority Hallway1), then through the next door (Delta 1 Access Lobby) for Cacodemons.
  54. Then through the next door (Delta 1 Access Stairs). There is supply.
  55. Jump down the broken staircase, then along the corridor where a Commando and a Revenant attack.
  56. Move into and down the large corridor (Delta Lobby Corridor), at the end of which are very heavily armed Soldiers.

Enter the elevator, and riding it up to Delta Labs Sector 2A, another day, another dollar

Robert Price, Brian Mora CODE 298 WEAPON None

2 Responses to “15 Delta Labs Level 1”

  1. You should stress that if you do not do step 8, you can’t leave the level.

  2. mine still says low power and i cant go

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